Physicians for Human Rights

In response to the systematic infliction of psychological and physical torture by US forces, PHR’s Campaign Against Torture seeks to restore the US commitment against torture, to ensure humane treatment of detainees, and to protect US health personnel


Alvaro Saravia A Salvadoran citizen and a former Captain in the Salvadoran Air Force, Alvaro Saravia was a resident of the city of Modesto in the Central Valley of California at the time CJA filed suit against him.  In 1979, Saravia left the Salvadoran

Lexiuste Cajuste

Lexiuste Cajuste is a Haitian activist and father of eight children. In the early 1990s, he was persecuted by the Haitian government for his work as a labor union activist and for his outspoken support for the ousted president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide.


Lexiuste Cajuste is a Haitian activist and father of eight children. In the early 1990s, he was persecuted by the Haitian government for his work as a labor union activist and for his outspoken support for ousted president Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Lexiu


CJA LitigationThe Guatemala Genocide CaseCJA Transitional Justice ProjectsExhuming Mass GravesThe Guatemala Evidence Project Over 200,000 Guatemalans were killed or forcibly disappeared in a civil war that raged from 1960-1996. Of those victims identif

Perpetrador: Alvaro Saravia

Doe v. Saravia Alvaro Saravia es un ciudadano salvadoreño y antiguo Capitán en las Fuerzas Aéreas de El Salvador. En el momento de interponer la demanda, el residía en la ciudad de Modesto en el Valle Central de California. En 1979, Saravia dejó el ejé

24 de Junio de 2002: testimonio de Juan Romagoza

Romagoza et al. v. Garcia and Vides El juicio comenzó el 24 de junio de 2002Redactado y puesto al día el 24 de junio de 2002" Este es el caso número 99-8364" entonó el Juez Daniel Hurley al comienzo del primer día del juicio Romagoza et. al v

Preguntas Mas Frecuentes

Doe v. Saravia ¿Cuál es el contenido del caso? En Septiembre del 2003, CJA y la firma Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe LLP. interpusieron una demanda civil contra Álvaro Rafael Saravia, quien en aquel momento residía en Modesto, California, por su p