Families of victims of police violence and civil society groups call on UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to ensure effective implementation of UN Human Rights Council resolution on police violence and structural racism

August 3, 2020 H.E. Michelle Bachelet United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Palais Wilson 52 rue des Pâquis CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland (via email: mbachelet@ohchr.org) Dear High Commissioner, The undersigned families of victims of police v

International or Hybrid Tribunal: Case 004 and Case 004/2

« back to crime summaryCASE STATUS Active COUNTRY Cambodia PleadingsClientsPerpetratorsPressPartnersRelated ResourcesCASE STATUS Active COUNTRY Cambodia The investigation in Case 004 has been split into two cases focuses on the crimes allegedly committ


Download and view the complaint in PDF format.New York Office of the Professions — Central Administration475 Park Avenue South 2nd FloorNew York, NY 10016-6901Tel: 212-951-6400Fax: 212-951-6537conduct@mail.nysed.gov Complaint – John Francis Leso, NY L

Physicians for Human Rights

In response to the systematic infliction of psychological and physical torture by US forces, PHR’s Campaign Against Torture seeks to restore the US commitment against torture, to ensure humane treatment of detainees, and to protect US health personnel