Cambodia Verdicts Send a “Warning to War Criminals”

CJA Staff Attorney Nushin Sarkarati represents Khmer Rouge victims before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. Sarkarati talked to The National Law Journal about the court’s decision to sentence two senior Khmer Rouge officials to life imprisonment.

CJA Donates Archives to Duke University

CJA donates its historic archives to Duke University’s Human Rights Archive. Duke’s prestigious archival program ensures that historical collections connect to and inform contemporary human rights scholarship, education and activism. The powerful history of our important work will be preserved from paper case files and electronic records to CJA’s web presence. The cataloged records will be made available to researchers, students and the general public. Click here to read more.

Montano, miembro ‘clave’ en el asesinato del padre Ellacuría

“Inocente Orlando Montano fue un miembro clave y necesario en el asesinato terrorista de los jesuitas de la UCA [Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas] y sus empleadas el 16 de noviembre de 1989”, así de contundente es el resumen del informe pericial que la profesora de la Universidad de Stanford Terry Karlpresentó al juez Eloy Velasco, el pasado 18 de junio en la Audiencia Nacional. Este documento aporta información nueva y relevante de la matanza de los cinco religiosos españoles en El Salvador, entre los que se encontraba Ignacio Ellacuría, ideólogo de la Teoría de la Liberación.

Two Salvadoran Generals Ordered Deported for Civil War Torture

The memories are etched in Melecia del Carmen Casco’s face. They show in the deep, thin lines that run across her caramel-colored forehead and in the prominent half-star patterns that surround her small brown eyes. Casco wears a turquoise cotton shirt with matching earrings. Her silver hair is pulled into a tight bun. In the green hills above El Salvador’s Lake Suchitlán, she sits in front of her simple home next to a table with a basket full of warm tortillas as her teenage grandson lounges in a nearby hammock. And she begins to remember.