Will Col. Inocente Orlando Montano face criminal trial?

The commander of one of El Salvador’s notorious death squads, active during the 1979-92 civil war, could soon become the first top-ranking Salvadoran officer to face trial for murder. But if so, he will be tried in Spain, not his own country, where an amnesty protects even those guilty of atrocities against civilians.

Ex-Somali Colonel Told to Pay $15M in Torture Case

Federal Judge Mark Abel awarded the compensation to Abukar Hassan Ahmed, who in a 2010 lawsuit said he endured months of torture in the 1980s during interrogations in Somalia. A judge had previously ruled that the former colonel, Abdi Aden Magan, was responsible for the torture

Audiencia Para Dictar Sentencia Contra Coronel Montano

El futuro inmediato de Inocente Orlando Montano pasa por una corte de Massachusetts, EUA, que el jueves decidirá si lo manda a la cárcel por fraude migratorio y perjurio. Lo que sigue es la solicitud de extradición de España por la masacre de los sacerdotes jesuitas.

How a Documentary Changed Guatemala’s History

Most documentaries record and preserve history–only a few change the arc of history. In Guatemala in the early 1980s, a young American documentary filmmaker named Pamela Yates bore witness to massive crimes and atrocities at great personal risk to make her film. This year, a quarter-century later, her footage became critical evidence used to convict a military dictator of genocide.

Cambodia Tribunal Monitor- “If You Tell Them, You Will Be Killed”: Civil Parties’ Stories Heard

A fourth victim impact hearing was held in Case 002 at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. Civil party lawyers questioned their clients, while prosecutors and defense attorneys had limited time to examine them on the facts in Case 002. The civil parties who testified on Tuesday were Cambodian-American Bay Sophany, Soeun Sovandy, and Seng Sivutha.