CJA uses the fullest extent of the law – often in savvy and innovative ways – to bring human rights abusers to justice. We use a unique combination of tools – litigation, transitional justice, and policy – to hold perpetrators accountable.

CJA prosecutes human rights abusers. Our cases address some of the world’s worst atrocities—from the genocide in Guatemala to the campaign of terror led by Pol Pot’s regime in Cambodia. We are relentless in the pursuit of justice and truth for those who have endured the horrors of torture, crimes against humanity and other severe human rights abuses. Read about our legal strategy here.

Transitional Justice
CJA has pioneered efforts in post-conflict countries to hold human rights abusers criminally accountable in national courts. We have worked on historic trials – including the Ríos Montt trial in Guatemala and the Accomarca Massacre trial in Peru. CJA believes that global justice requires a multi-layered approach, and we are proud to partner with NGO’s worldwide in building the rule of law.

CJA has played a significant role in developing human rights policy in the United States, including testifying before Congress on behalf of the Child Soldiers Accountability Act and the Genocide Accountability Act. Working with policymakers and civil society groups, CJA crafts and supports policies that ensure the effective prosecution of atrocity crimes, deny safe haven to their perpetrators, and protect and rehabilitate their victims.