State Department Intending to Close Office of Global Criminal Justice

The State Department indicated its intention to close the Office of Global Criminal Justice, indicating that the U.S. will no longer prioritize bringing war criminals to justice. The office was founded in the late 1990’s in the wake of genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia. According to Foreign Policy magazine, David Scheffer, who served as the first U.S. ambassador-at-large for war crimes issues, said, “This sends a strong signal to perpetrators of mass atrocities that the United States is not watching you anymore.”


Please contact Senator Bob Corker and Senator Ben Cardin on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and ask them to take measures to prevent the closure of the Office of Global Criminal Justice.  The future of millions in Syria, Sudan, the Central African Republic, Myanmar and elsewhere depend on it.

Senator Bob Corker, 202-224-3344

Senator Ben Cardin, 202-224-4524

You can read CJA’s full letter to Senator Corker and Senator Cardin here