COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Two Army psychologists helped perpetrate abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay including sleep deprivation and sexual humiliation, according to complaints filed Wednesday by human rights groups trying to have the psychologists’ state licenses revoked.
Will Gitmo Shrinks Lose Their Credentials?
- July 7, 2010
If their aim was to break him, his interrogators apparently succeeded. By late November 2002, Mohammed al-Qahtani—a suspected Al Qaeda operative sometimes described as the 20th hijacker—was hearing voices, talking to imaginary people, and spending hours on end cowering in a corner of his Guantanamo cell with a sheet draped over him.
Ex President Cristiani knew that there was going to be an assassination attempt on Father Ellacuría.
- July 5, 2010
More than 20 years have passed since the assassination of father Ignacio Ellacuría, ideologist of liberation theology, and four other Jesuits at the hands of the El Salvador Army and the fence around the intellectual authors of that killing begins to close.
Lawsuit filed in Fla. against Colombian warlord
- July 1, 2010
A jailed Colombian warlord has been sued by the relatives of two people believed to have been killed by his paramilitary forces. The lawsuit against Carlos Mario Jimenez, who is awaiting trial on drug trafficking charges, was filed in federal court here June 14 and publicized by the plaintiffs’ attorneys Thursday.
Presentan una demanda en EE.UU. contra un ex jefe paramilitar de Colombia
- July 1, 2010
Miami (EE.UU.), 1 jul (EFE).- Una organización internacional de derechos humanos presentó una demanda civil contra el ex jefe paramilitar colombiano Carlos Mario Jiménez, alias “Macaco”, en un tribunal de Estados Unidos por “tortura, ejecución sumaria, crímenes de guerra y delitos de lesa humanidad.
Colombian Warlord Sued in U.S. Federal Court
- July 1, 2010
MIAMI – A U.S. human rights organization is suing former Colombian militia leader Carlos Mario Jimenez for torture, extrajudicial killing, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
First Paramilitary Leader Sued in US Courts
- July 1, 2010
Extradited Colombian Carlos Mario Jimenez, alias “Macaco,” a leader of paramilitary block of the AUC, is the first paramilitary to be sued in U.S. courts for alleged human rights violations. The charges include torture, murder, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, according to the lawyer in charge of the case, Almudena Bernabeu, from the Center for Justice and Accountability.
Colombian Survivors File Suit Against a Paramilitary Leader and Drug Trafficker For Crimes Against Humanity
- July 1, 2010
Download the Press Release
Supreme Court rejects ex-Somali official’s immunity claim
- June 2, 2010
The justices rule that the U.S. immunity law does not prevent Somalis who say they or their relatives were tortured from suing former Prime Minister Mohamed Ali Samantar, who now lives in Virginia.