Massacre of Jesuits in El Salvador “Premeditated”

Declassified CIA documents show that the 1989 massacre of six Jesuit priests in El Salvador followed three days of planning by senior Salvadoran military officers, an expert witness said Tuesday before Spain’s National Court, which is hearing a case brought on behalf of the slain clerics.

20 años después de la barbarie

A los 35 años de edad, la abogada española Almudena Bernabéu se ha convertido en el látigo de los militares salvadoreños que durante la guerra civil cometieron crímenes de lesa humanidad.

Memphian Carranza Found Guilty of Human Rights Abuses

The U.S. Sixth Circuit Court affirmed Tuesday that Nicolas Carranza, a former commander of El Salvador’s security forces — now a naturalized U.S. citizen and Memphis resident — is responsible for human rights abuses that took place under his command in his native country in the 1980s…