US Victims Add Calls for More Tribunal Cases

Distance is perhaps one barrier that prevents US-Cambodian survivors of the Khmer Rouge from participating in UN-backed trials underway in Phnom Penh. But that did not stop Chanthorn Pech or Roath Prom from becoming participants in the tribunal’s next case—002—an atrocity trial for four jailed Khmer Rouge leaders.

San Jose Cambodian community awaits justice

One of the worst genocides of the 20th century happened in Cambodia, in the 1970s. The extremist Khmer Rouge party, led by Pol Pot tried to create a rural farming society, evacuating people from their homes and jobs in urban areas to the country, where many were killed by the government, starved, or were worked to death.

Testing again

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New York Court to Hear Case Against Psychologist Accused of Torture in Guantánamo Interrogations

The Obama administration has announced that key suspects in the 9/11 attacks will be tried by military commissions at the U.S. military base at Guantánamo Bay—not in U.S. civilian court. There will, however, be one Guantánamo case tried in New York. Today the New York State Supreme Court will hear the case against Dr. John Leso, a psychologist accused of participating in torture during interrogation of detainees in Guantánamo. The case was brought on behalf of Dr. Steven Reisner, who is at the center of a growing group of medical professionals campaigning against the participation of psychologists in the U.S. government’s interrogation programs.

Guantánamo and the Taint of Torture

On the same day President Barack Obama formally launched his re-election campaign, his attorney general, Eric Holder, announced that key suspects in the 9/11 attacks would be tried not in federal court, but through controversial military commissions at Guantánamo. Holder blamed members of Congress, who, he said, “have intervened and imposed restrictions blocking the administration from bringing any Guantánamo detainees to trial in the United States.” Nevertheless, one Guantánamo case will be tried in New York.

Court Shrinks From Probe of Gitmo Psychologist

MANHATTAN (CN) – New York State Supreme Court Justice Saliann Scarpulla said that she sympathized with, but is unlikely to grant, a licensed psychologist’s petition to compel an investigation into another psychologist’s alleged human rights abuses at Guantanamo Bay.

NY Judge Queries Sides in Gitmo Psychologist Case

NEW YORK — A push to shed light on psychologists’ role in terror suspect interrogations got a rare court airing Wednesday, as a judge told human rights advocates she shared their “sensibility” but wasn’t sure they had legal grounds to force a state investigation.

Gitmo ‘Torture’ Doc now in the Hot Seat

NEW YORK–The practices of a New York-licensed psychologist will be reviewed by a state Supreme Court judge today, after he was accused of creating U.S. interrogation techniques at Guantanamo Bay that some decry as torture.