Genocide on Trial in Guatemala, Setting Model for Region

For the first time in history a former head of state, Guatemala’s Gen. Efraín Ríos Montt, is on trial for genocide in the country where the crime occurred. Two hundred thousand died over 36 years of armed conflict in the Central American nation, mostly Maya indigenous noncombatants at government hands. The unfolding judicial process has global repercussions, strengthening possibilities for prosecution of other prominent human rights cases.

General Says He Could Not Stop Human Rights Abuses

A former El Salvador defense minister admitted responsibility for military abuses against civilians during his country’s civil war on Wednesday, saying he could not stop human rights violations because of divisions within the armed forces.

Guatemala Lucha Contra la Impunidad

El próximo 19 de marzo Efraín Ríos Montt rendirá cuentas ante la justicia guatemalteca por actos de genocidio. Guatemala está dividida y es que a pesar de todas las pruebas presentadas para demostrar la culpabilidad de Ríos Montt en la matanza de más de 1.700 mayas indígenas ixiles entre 1982 y 1983, muchos continúan negando esa parte de la historia.

‘Baby Doc’ Duvalier Human Rights Prosecution Must Continue!

February 21, 2013, Port au Prince, Haiti: Today the Haitian Court of Cassation will hear an appeal challenging the dismissal of human rights charges against former Haitian president Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier. The Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA), along with twenty-seven other human rights and torture treatment organizations from the Americas and around the world, filed an amicus brief with the court, arguing that Haiti will violate its duties under international and domestic law if it does not move forward with the prosecution.