Report Points to Recurring Crimes Against Humanity in Sri Lanka’s Northern Province

A report by Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice, endorsed by CJA, finds credible allegations of post-war international crimes by government forces against Tamils in Sri Lanka’s north, nearly five years after the end of a three-decade civil war. These findings challenge the Sri Lankan government’s claims of post-war progress and underscore the urgent need to fight impunity with accountability. Click here to read the report; CJA’s foreword starts on page vi.

Guatemalan Ex-Commando Loses U.S. Citizenship, Gets Jail Term for Massacre

A federal judge in California on Monday revoked the U.S. citizenship of a former Guatemalan special forces officer and sentenced him to a maximum 10-year prison term for deceiving U.S. immigration officials and covering up his role in a 1982 massacre of 250 villagers in Guatemala, one of the worst atrocities in modern times in Latin America.

Ex-Salvadoran General has Appealed Judge’s Decision Ordering his Removal from U.S.

The U.S. has defended a judge’s decision ordering General Vides-Casanova’s removal from the U.S. for his role in widespread human rights abuses in El Salvador in the 1980s, including the torture of CJA’s clients and the murder of four American churchwomen. Click here for the press release, here to read the full immigration court decision or here to read a summary of the oral arguments of the appeal hearing.

Ex-Salvadoran General Appeals Deportation Order

Vides Casanova, who was El Salvador’s defense minister, has been living in Florida since immigrating in 1989. In 2012, an immigration judge ruled that he could be deported for his role in multiple acts of killings and torture committed by the Salvadoran military, including the slayings of three American nuns and a lay churchwoman in 1980.

Investigating Genocide in Somaliland

They say as many as 200,000 men, women and children were executed and buried in mass graves in 1980s Somaliland. They accuse Somalia’s late dictator, Mohamed Siad Barre, of atrocities and want to put his alleged henchmen on trial.

Sudanese President Indicted for Darfur Genocide Seeks Visa to Attend U.N. General Assembly

The Center for Justice and Accountability is outraged by the proposed visit of indicted war criminal Omar al-Bashir to attend the U.N. General Assembly meetings in New York next week. Sudanese President al-Bashir has been indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on ten counts of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity in Darfur and has two outstanding warrants for his arrest.