Biswal should urge Sirisena to implement UNHRC report: CJA

CJA urges US Assistant Secretary of State, Nisha Biswal to use her office to encourage Sri Lanka’s newly elected President Maithripala Sirisena to cooperate with the UNHRC in implementing the finding of the UN-led war investigation and take “steps to prosecute those responsible for the crime”.

El fin de la impunidad del ‘caso Ellacuría’

Aquel día la Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de España (APDHE) y el Center For Justice and Accountability (CJA) presentaron en la Audiencia Nacional una querella contra el entonces presidente de El Salvador, Alfredo Cristiani; Humberto Larios, ministro de Defensa; Juan Orlando Zepeda, coronel y viceministro de Defensa; Inocente Orlando Montano, coronel y viceministro de Seguridad Pública y un grupo del batallón de Infantería Atlacalt, encargados de ejecutar los asesinatos.

Victory in Guatemala Court Serves as Model for Justice

CJA welcomes the news that yesterday, after a trial that lasted a few months, a Guatemalan court found ex-police chief Pedro Garcia Arredondo guilty of murder, attempted murder and crimes against humanity for the 1980 massacre of 37 people at the Spanish Embassy in Guatemala during Guatemala’s civil war. Click here to read more.

Demanda civil contra acusado de matar a Víctor Jara

Acusado de ser uno de los autores del asesinato de Víctor Jara, Pedro Pablo Barrientos Núñez, enfrentará a fines de febrero un juicio en Estados Unidos, país donde reside y que le otorgó la ciudadanía. Se trata de una demanda civil interpuesta en 2013, a nombre de su esposa, Joan Jara y sus dos hijas, por el Centro de Justicia y Responsabildiad de San Francisco.

CJA Deeply Saddened by Loss of Human Rights Champion Robert E. White

Robert E. White was the ambassador to El Salvador from 1980 to 1981, as the Salvadoran civil war began. He was critical of the Salvadoran military, regularly meeting with top commanders to confront them about killings, massacre and torture of civilians. White testified in three CJA civil cases against three of the highest level commanders of the Salvadoran military, and his persuasive voice lent credibility and gravitas to all of our work. Read more in this tribute by Senior Legal Advisor Carolyn Patty Blum on behalf of CJA.

Sri Lankans Vote for Change

On January 8, 2015, Maithripala Sirisena defeated incumbent Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Sirisena, who served as Health Minister and acting Minister of Defense under Rajapaksa, ran on a platform of good governance and the rule of law. The ro