CJA Supports FIRST Freedom Act

CJA writes letter supporting bill that will help hold accountable perpetrators of religious persecution. The FIRST Freedom Act is an important tool to prosecute violators of religious freedom who are living here. Letter is below, and click here to view

The Guardian: CJA Prepares for Jara Trial

CJA International Attorney Almudena Bernabeu is interviewed about CJA’s preparations for the Florida trial against the Pinochet officer who participated in the murder of Victor Jara. “We are gearing up for a trial. I am gathering evidence and interviewing [former] members of the Chilean military,” she said.

CJA Drink + Think: Assaults on the Press

CJA’s Young Professionals’ Committee for Human Rights held a thought-provoking happy hour and discussion on the evolving threats faced by both domestic and international journalists, including issues around freedom of the press, cyber attacks, and the

Important Human Rights Remedies at Stake in Mamani v. Berzain

CJA along with pro bono co-counsel Ropes & Gray LLP submitted an amicus brief to the Eleventh Circuit addressing human rights remedies at stake in the Center for Constitutional Rights’ case Mamani v. Berzain. This blog post by Jonathan Schmidt and attorneys from Ropes & Gray LLP analyzes the human rights remedies at stake and outlines the arguments in our amicus brief.