U.S. Court Issues Landmark Ruling on Paramilitary Violence in Colombia,
The Intercept,
November 24, 2021.
This article provides an overview of the history of Macaco’s human rights abuses as well as the context of the violence he enacted in Colombia. It contains an explanation of the law upon which the case hinged and was ultimately won.
Court cases show Colombian government role in paramilitary killings, U.S. implicated,
People’s World,
November 12, 2021.
This article gives historical context to Macaco’s crimes and gives details about both the American case against Macaco and the Colombian cases against other paramilitary groups.
New Ruling Sheds Light on State-Paramilitary Cooperation in Colombia – and on the TVPA,
Just Security,
October 15, 2021.
This article, written by CJA staff attorney Daniel McLaughlin, provides a detailed overview of the “color of law” requirement necessary to find foreign liability under the Torture Victims Protection Act. It situates that legal precedent within the context of the Macaco case.
Corte de EE. UU. determina que hubo una relación “simbiótica” entre grupos paramilitares y Ejército colombiano,
Semana (Colombia),
October 9, 2021.
This article shows the symbiotic relationship between Colombian paramilitary groups and the army. CJA lawyer Claret Vargas is quoted as calling this victory “a victory for truth.” The article contains details on the criminal case against Macaco in Colombia.
EE. UU. conocía (hace rato) la relación “simbiótica” entre Ejército y paramilitares,
Pulzo (Colombia),
October 9, 2021.
This article details the relationship between Colombian government and paramilitaries, as evidenced by the CIA and State Department cables.
Informes desclasificados en EE UU detallan la “simbiosis” del Ejército de Colombia con los paramilitares,
El País (Spain),
October 6, 2021.
This article focuses on CIA and State documents cited by the summary judgment ruling in the case that show a symbiotic relationship between the government and the BCB/AUC. The article quotes Gustavo Gallón from the Comisión Colombiana de Juristas on how the fight for justice was nearly snatched away when Macaco was extradited solely on narcotrafficking charges.
Miami judge finds paramilitary boss liable for community leader’s killing in Colombia,
Miami Herald,
September 28, 2021.
July 1st, 2010
Miami (EE.UU.), 1 jul (EFE).- Una organización internacional de derechos humanos presentó una demanda civil contra el ex jefe paramilitar colombiano Carlos Mario Jiménez, alias “Macaco”, en un tribunal de Estados Unidos por “tortura, ejecución sumaria, crímenes de guerra y delitos de lesa humanidad.
First Paramilitary Leader Sued in US Courts
Colombia Reports
July 1st, 2010
Extradited Colombian Carlos Mario Jimenez, alias “Macaco,” a leader of paramilitary block of the AUC, is the first paramilitary to be sued in U.S. courts for alleged human rights violations. The charges include torture, murder, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, according to the lawyer in charge of the case, Almudena Bernabeu, from the Center for Justice and Accountability.
Colombian Warlord Sued in U.S. Federal Court
Latin American Herald Tribune
July 1st, 2010
MIAMI – A U.S. human rights organization is suing former Colombian militia leader Carlos Mario Jimenez for torture, extrajudicial killing, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
Lawsuit filed in Fla. against Colombian warlord
Miami Herald
July 1st, 2010
A jailed Colombian warlord has been sued by the relatives of two people believed to have been killed by his paramilitary forces. The lawsuit against Carlos Mario Jimenez, who is awaiting trial on drug trafficking charges, was filed in federal court here June 14 and publicized by the plaintiffs’ attorneys Thursday.
Colombian Survivors File Suit Against a Paramilitary Leader and Drug Trafficker For Crimes Against Humanity
July 1st, 2010
Press Releases
Colombian Survivors File Suit Against a Paramilitary Leader and Drug Trafficker For Crimes Against Humanity
July 1, 2010
The Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA), along with pro-bono co-counsel Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati has filed a lawsuit against Carlos Mario Jiménez Naranjo(also known as “Macaco”) in the Southern District of Florida for torture, extrajudicial killing, war crimes and crimes against humanity.