La Fundación Myrna Ma
La Fundación Myrna Mack was founded by Helen Mack Chang in honor of her sister Myrna Mack, a social anthropologist murdered by the Guatemalan government in 1990 for her work exposing its actions against the Mayan population during the civil war. The foundation works to strengthen the rule of law and consolidate peace in Guatemala.
Centro para Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos
Centro para Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos is a Guatemala-based legal organization created to hold government officials accountable for their roles in Guatemala’s military campaign against the Mayan population.
National Security Archive
The National Security Archive is an independent non-governmental research institute and library located at George Washington University in Washington D.C. The Archive serves as a repository of government records related to U.S. foreign policy.
Center for Gender and Refugee Studies
The Center for Gender and Refugee Studies, housed at the University of California Hastings College of the Law, works to impact the development of law and policy to protect women fleeing gender-based violence. The Center works to positively impact individual cases as well as the overall development of the law nationally and internationally.
Impunity Watch
Impunity Watch, housed at the Syracuse University College of Law, is an online publication that reports and investigates gross human rights violations and cases of impunity, with the aim of creating awareness of and stopping such situations.
Fundación Rigaberta Menchú Tum
Fundación Rigaberta Menchú Tum is a Guatemala-based organization founded by Nobel Laureate Rigaberta Menchú Tum in 1993. The Foundation supports educational and training programs for building peace and recognizing the rights of indigenous people in Guatemala.
The Association for Justice and Reconciliation is a Guatemala-based organization founded by survivors of Guatemala’s military campaign against indigenous villages. The organization brings together people from different villages affected by the campaign to demand justice for the officials involved.
The Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de España is a Madrid-based organization working for the prevention and prosecution of human rights violations around the world.
Asociación Bufete Jurídico Popular
The Asociación Bufete Jurídico Popular provides free legal services to the communities of Rabinal, one of the most affected regions of the Guatemalan Civil War. The organization helps to resolve land disputes, address domestic violence and promote healing in the wake of the violence the area has witnessed.
Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción Psicosocial
Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción Pscicosocial is a Guatemalan organization providing psychosocial support to survivors and witnesses of massacres, particularly as they prepare to testify in legal proceedings.
Fundación Nueva Esperanza
La Fundación Nueva Esperanza works with impoverished youth in the Rabinal area of Guatemala. The Foundation runs a bilingual Achi-Spanish school as well as other programs seeking to involve youth in the political process.
International Rivers
International Rivers (formerly the International Rivers Network) is an organization based in Berkeley, California, that works to protect rivers worldwide and defend the rights of people who rely on them. Among other projects, International Rivers works on behalf of survivors of the Rió Negra massacre.
Women’s Link Worldwide
Women’s Link Worldwide works for gender equality around the world, using international law and strategic litigation to advance women’s rights internationally.
Guernica 37
Guernica 37 specializes in transnational litigation enforcing human rights and international criminal norms in national courts.